Visual and performance artist.

bio / CV


横浜在住のビジュアル・パフォーマンスアーティスト。作品は、ブックアート からインタラクティブなインスタレーション、ソーシャリーエンゲージドアートの手法をもとにしたプロジェクトなど多岐に渡り、Safe Space: 安全と感じられる空間をテーマに創作活動を行う。

日本女子大学人間社会学部心理学会卒業の後、会社員生活を経て自分らしい生き方を模索している中で、訪問先のサンフランシスコにてブックアート に出会う。それまで経験のなかったアートの世界に足を踏み入れ、2012年よりサンフランシスコのAcademy Art Universityにて、ブックアート、版画、活版印刷などの技術を学ぶ。アートについてさらに学びを深めるため、2014年にシカゴの大学院Columbia College Chicagoに入学、表現をブックアート からインスタレーションや参加型アートに広げる。2018年MFA in Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts(美術学修士)を取得、卒業。その後約1年間に渡り、シカゴのパフォーマンスに特化したdfbrli8r galleryにてインターンシップを行なった後、日本に帰国。

修士制作のプロジェクトあるがまま[Arugamama]はAlbert P. Weisman Awardを受賞、the Caxton Club Grantの佳作に選ばれる。ブックアートの作品は、アメリカ国内の複数の図書館や個人にコレクションされている。Revolution at Point Zero: Feminist Social Practice Symposium (Neysa Page-Lieberman and Melissa Hilliard PotterがOpen Engagement in 2017に合わせて開催したシンポジウム)でワークショップを行った他、THAW 2018 hosted by Links HallやDEFBRL8R Performance Apprentice Showcase 2019にてパフォーマンスを行った。

Kazumi Seki is a visual and performance artist whose artworks take a variety of forms such as artist’s books, interactive installations and projects on a socially engaged platform. Seki was born and raised in Japan where she earned a BA in psychology at Japan Women’s University. After that, Seki had continuing education at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, where she was trained in book art, letterpress and other printmaking techniques. At Columbia College Chicago, Seki earned MFA, and she worked to go beyond the conventional concept of a “book” and she felt the medium of book art could help her expand the range of her expression. Seki is currently resident in Japan.

Seki’s artist’s books have been added to the special collections at Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Baylor University Library, Colorado College Library, The Newberry, SCAD Jen Library Savannah Campus, University of California Irvine Langsom Library and some private collections. As a part of her MFA program at Columbia College Chicago, Seki has organized interactive art events entitled Encounter Cycle. She also led a workshop at the Revolution at Point Zero: Feminist Social Practice Symposium held by Neysa Page-Lieberman and Melissa Hilliard Potter conducted through a partnership with Open Engagement in 2017, gave a performance at THAW 2018 hosted by Links Hall and DEFBRL8R Performance Apprentice Showcase 2019. For her MFA thesis project あるがまま[Arugamama], Seki received the Albert P. Weisman Award and the Caxton Club Grant Honorable Mention.

CV [PDF en] [PDF jp]


Columbia College Chicago Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts, 2018

Continuing Education
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, 2014-2012

Japan Women’s University, Kawsaki, Japan, 2000 Focus: Perceptual Psychology


Albert P. Weisman Award, Columbia College Chicago, 2018
Caxton Club Grant Honorable Mention, The Caxton Club, 2017
Aiko Nakane Fellowship, Columbia College Chicago, 2017
The Graduate Merit Award, Columbia College Chicago, 2014-now
Spring Show 3rd prize in Book Art, Academy of Art University, 2014

Solo Exhibition

静かな時間, Gallery SIACCA, Tokyo, Japan.

Encounter Cycle -Fukuwarai-, GALLERIE du JURA, Tokyo, Japan.

Kazumi Seki First Solo Exhibition,
Launch Pad Gallery, Yokohama, Japan.

Selected Group Exhibitions


The Library 2024, Toki Art Space, Tokyo, Japan, the group exhibition under the theme of “books”.

Art Book Fair, Launch Pad Gallery, Yokohama, Japan, the group exhibition under the theme of “books”


What’s Good?, Launch Pad Gallery, Yokohama, Japan, the group exhibition under the theme of “What’s Good?”

Book Lovers, MOTOYA Book・Cafe・Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, the group exhibition under the theme of “books”.

Where We Live, FOBA 2021 Virtual Conference Juried Exhibition, online

Where Our Hearts Resides, FOBA 2021 Virtual Conference Challenge Book Project, online

dfbrL8r Gallery, Chicago, IL, for the visual art of Encounter Cycle4 Yo-Yo balloon fishing from the performance at the showcase.

2018 Albert P. Weisman Exhibition
, The Arcade, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

Artists’ Book Cornucopia IX, Art Students League of Denver, Denver, CO
MFA Thesis Exhibition, The Glass Curtain Gallery, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

the book as art: boundless, The Periodical Gallery of Decatur Library, Decatur, GA
Living Layer, The Center for Book, Paper, and Print, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

Produced Art Events

Encounter Cycle 2 : Fukuwarai, GALLERIE du JURA, Tokyo, Japan

Encounter Cycle 2 : Fukuwarai, Temple University Japan, Tokyo, Japan

Encounter Cycle 4 : Yo-Yo balloon Fishing
, dfbrL8r Gallery, Chicago, IL, (one of the participating performances at DFBRL8R PERFORMANCE ART APPRENTICE SHOWCASE 2019.)

Bedtime Breathing / Reading (a part of MFA thesis Project),
The Glass Curtain Gallery, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

Cello Recital / Reading (a part of MFA thesis Project), The Glass Curtain Gallery, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL
Encounter Cycle 3 : Daruma, Links Hall, Chicago, IL, (one of the participating performances at THAW 2018.)

Encounter Cycle 3 : Daruma, Film Raw Cinema, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

encounternaonow, Bookbinding Studio, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

Encounter Cycle 2 : Fukuwarai, Printmaking Facility and Papermaking Studio, Columbia
Encounter Cycle 1: Japanese Art and Crafts, Bookbinding Studio, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL


Encounter to Encounter, fish tank gallery, Columbia College Chicago, IL

Encounter Cycle, PIT Gallery, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL

Artist in Residence


Micro Art Workation 2024, Arts Council Shizuoka, Shizuoka, Japan


Copyright (C) 2016-2025 Kazumi Seki, designed by Shoichi Koguchi All Rights Reserved.